
The Trainees Committee is made up of trainees from across the UK. It promotes rheumatology as a specialty and supports training needs.

The committee provides a trainee perspective to other committees, reports back on any relevant projects and produces a number of sessions for our conferences.

Committee members
Chair: Anastasia MadenidouNorthern Ireland representative: Sarah Stewart
Scotland representative: vacant
Wales representative: Amna Younas
East of England representative: Pratyasha Saha
London representative: Priyanka Lakhani
Midlands representative: Hirushi Jayasekera
North East and Yorkshire representative: Miriam Cox/Caroline Zollinger-Read
North West representative: Sarah Dyball
South West representative: vacant
South East representative: Thushyanthan Guruparan
Paediatric representatives: Laura Crosby and Fatemah Jenabi
IMT representative: Mary Renu