Adolescent/young adult SIG
The Adolescent/Young Adult (AYA) SIG is an opportunity for paediatric and adult health professionals caring for adolescents and young adults with rheumatological disease to meet with, listen to and learn from one another.The AYA SIG is linked closely to the Barbara Ansell National Network for Rheumatology (BANNAR).
This SIG aims to promote high quality, young person-friendly, developmentally appropriate health services and understand the challenges of ensuring this care is continually provided. The group also explores how young person friendly, developmentally appropriate services have been achieved in different centres across the UK and reviews recent advances relevant to the care and long-term health outcomes of young people with rheumatological disease.
The AYA SIG does not have a formal membership. Clinicians expressing an interest in joining the group are directed to BANNAR. BANNAR meets twice yearly and has very clearly defined aims, objectives and terms of reference. Meetings are targeted at all stakeholders engaged with delivering or advancing the care of adolescents and young adults with rheumatological diagnoses. The group meets annually for a planned programme of teaching, chosen in conjunction with the BANNAR membership. The meeting is coordinated by the SIG convenors.
B-cells and B-cell targeted therapies SIG
This SIG provides an opportunity to meet, learn with and increase collaboration between adult and paediatric and adolescent rheumatologists and scientists with a special interest in B-cells and B-cell targeted therapies. One of the group’s aims is to educate the community regarding up-to-date knowledge on these therapies, their current use, and ongoing research projects, given that optimal use of B-cell targeted therapies and their long-term safety is still not well established.
There is a large potential for the development of more effective and/or safer B-cell targeted therapies for the treatment of autoimmune rheumatic diseases as new drugs continue to be developed in particular for the treatment of malignancies of B-cell origin. This SIG works to contribute to writing Best Practice guidelines in this area and establish collaborations with other specialities including haematologists, clinical immunologists and infectious disease specialists to contribute to safer use of these therapies and to possible development of new therapies.
Convenors: Dr Maria Leandro, Dr Venkat Reddy and Dr Edward Vital
Cardiovascular comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis SIG
The Cardiovascular comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis SIG works to exchange information on current research and practice work streams, facilitates the exchange of ideas and the development of collaborating small or large networks to help provide answers to specific research questions, develop, implement and evaluate relevant guidelines and practice changes to the benefit of patients with RA.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the main co-morbidities and a principal cause of mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The causes for this are still not clear, but classical CVD risk factors, systemic inflammation and other factors peculiar to RA (e.g. genes and therapies) all appear to play an important role. Pharmacological and lifestyle interventions for control of these risk factors are of importance
Convenor: Dr Jet Veldhuijzen van Zanten
Crystal arthritis SIG
The Crystal Arthritis SIG aims to provide a focus and leadership for gout and calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition. It ensures a high profile for crystal arthritis at BSR Annual Conference and provides regular educational updates for rheumatologists, trainees and health professionals in rheumatology to share best practice and improve the management of these neglected conditions.
The SIG seeks to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information, promote the development of collaborative research projects, and to link to international crystal arthritis networks in Europe and the USA. Meetings are targeted at rheumatologists, GPs, nurses and AHPs
Convenors: Dr Edward Roddy
Education SIG
The Education SIG works closely with the BSR Education Committee to build a multidisciplinary network of people with an interest in medical education and promote sharing of ideas and good practice. The group’s objectives are to highlight areas of good practice, encourage people to get involved in developing our eLearning platform and to update clinicians in the field of clinical reasoning both with regards to their own clinical practice and how they can incorporate it into their teaching.
Convenors: Dr David Coady and Dr Pippa Watson
Ethnicity SIG
The purpose of this SIG is to advance knowledge and understanding about rheumatological conditions and patient care for patients of minority ethnic groups. The group considers ethnic variations in perception, awareness and acceptance of conditions, explores patient education needs in minority ethnic groups and the development of patient education material in local languages, and promotes local resources for patient information and support.
Convenor: Arumugam Moorthy
Foot and ankle SIG
The Foot and Ankle SIG attracts a diverse range of disciplines including medical practitioners and researchers in different fields (e.g. rheumatology, orthopaedics), allied health professionals, bioengineers, epidemiologists and others.
There's a growing body of knowledge in this previously poorly understood area of practice and it is attracting rising interest. The objectives of this group are to identify areas of common concern and devise strategies for their solution, provide opportunities for the development of collaborative research projects, a forum for discussion of ongoing work and developing consensus-based statements or standards, work in evolution or the development of new ideas.
The group convenes an annual meeting of the group and other interested parties.
Convenors: Dr Edward Roddy and Dr Lindsey Cherry
Heritable disorders of connective tissue SIG
This SIG covers all hypermobility related disorders including Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, Marfan syndrome, Osteogenesis imperfecta as well as associated co-mobidities including fibromyalgia and chronic widespread pain, dysautonomia (particularly PoTS), Gastrointestinal symptomatology, mast cell activation syndrome and Neurodiversity.
The group welcomes participation from all those interested in complex multi-system disease, clinical genetics, rehabilitation, and pain management. It aims to hold meetings in association with our Annual Conference and ACR's, and to support regional meetings on a regular basis.
Convenor: Dr Philip Bull
Hyperinflammation SIG
The Hyperinflammation SIG aims to highlight the crucial role that rheumatologists play in the management of complex inflammatory disease and hyperinflammatory syndromes across the life course.
The group plans to use its network to focus on the particular skills and expertise needed to manage haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and other hyperinflammatory syndromes through a programme of education and training. The SIG will work to improve patient management through the development of a national network of MDTs which in turn facilitate multi-centre research.
Convenors: Dr Jessica Manson, Dr Rachel Tattersall
Infections in rheumatology SIG
Rheumatology has many pertinent infections-related issues. Immunosuppressant agents including the biologic therapies have transformed the management of various rheumatological conditions; however, infections in immunocompromised patients is a major concern. The Infections in Rheumatology SIG aims to provide a focused forum for clinical, educational and research purposes.
The aims of the SIG are to provide a forum for those interested in infections in rheumatology, offer rheumatologists an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and keep abreast of the latest developments, establish close links with national experts in the fields of microbiology, infectious diseases, orthopaedics, musculoskeletal radiology and nuclear medicine and to promote collaborative research and form close links with our biologics registers and contribute to the development of clinical guidelines.
Convenors: Dr Graham Raftery and Dr Muddassir Shaikh
Lung and rheumatic disease SIG
An association between Connective Tissue Diseases (CTD) and interstitial lung disease (ILD) is well established. This group aims to share new developments in ILD diagnosis and management. This SIG is for professionals interested in the management of patients with ILD complicating CTDs. Members are active contributors to groups developing guidelines across the UK, Europe and worldwide.
Convenor: Dr Clive Kelly, Mark Garton, Gouri Koduri
Myositis SIG
This group represents a great opportunity to be kept up to date with advances in myositis as it occurs, and to get involved in research in the area. The UK MyoNet is an open group of physicians, scientists and others interested in the advancement of our understanding of the pathology and management of the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies.
The group is multidisciplinary, including paediatricians, respiratory physicians, dermatologists and neurologists in addition to rheumatologists. It has links with the European myositis research group EUMYONET and the international group IMACs and collaborates with them on various research projects.
The SIG meets twice a year to present recent research advances, plan future research projects and discuss clinical cases/issues.
Convenors: Prof Hector Chinoy and Dr Patrick Gordon
Osteoarthritis SIG
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joint disease worldwide and it continues to gain increased attention due to its clinical burden. This SIG aims to share new developments in OA. It's targeted at members with an interest in advancing research in this area. The objectives of the group are to promote development and dissemination of relevant guidelines and research, as well as public information about OA, to implement changes of best clinical practice and determine future directions of research in OA.
Convenor: Prof Mel Holden and Nidhi Sofat
Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease SIG
The Osteoporosis SIG aims to provide a regular update for general rheumatologists on topical issues in osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. In addition, it highlights the importance of osteoporosis and ensures that this key specialist area maintains a high profile at BSR Annual Conference. The role of the group also includes coordinating responses to new policy documents in the field of osteoporosis, including NICE guidance, ensuring that the views of practicing rheumatologists with an interest in osteoporosis are taken into account.
Meetings are targeted at rheumatologists, trainees, nurse specialists and allied health professionals working in the field of bone health.
Convenors: Dr Zoe Paskins and Prof Kassim Javaid
Pain SIG
The Pain Special Interest Group (SIG) is an inclusive and multidisciplinary community aimed at advancing evidence-based clinical care and research for pain in people with rheumatological and musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.
Membership in the Pain SIG is a great opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in pain research and treatment within rheumatology, as well as to collaborate and participate in clinical and research initiatives in this field.
We welcome anyone with an interest in pain to join our twice-yearly meetings (held once at the annual conference and once virtually) and our mailing list
Convenors: Dr Ian Scott and Dr Zoe Rutter-Locher
Physical activity SIG
This sport and exercise medicine SIG focuses on the latest evidence surrounding physical activity and the importance of promoting and delivering interventions amongst patients with rheumatological conditions. Physical activity has been shown to be an effective intervention for patients with a variety of rheumatology conditions to improve challenging symptoms including fatigue, stiffness, and pain, but prescription is currently underutilised in the NHS and amongst rheumatology patients.
The aims of this SIG are to focus on the latest evidence on the benefits of physical activity related to OA, inflammatory rheumatic disease, and MSK pain and demonstrate models of care where physical activity has been incorporated into patient pathways to inspire clinicians to consider how they can integrate these concepts into their own practice. The group also explores effective strategies in consultations to motivate patients to be more active. In turn, it aims to generate awareness, to enable promotion, education, dissemination and utilisation of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine Inflammatory Rheumatic Disease Moving Medicine Module for Health Professionals to use with patients.
Meetings are targeted at all healthcare professionals working with rheumatology patients, including doctors, physiotherapists, specialist nurses and occupational therapists. It will also be of interest to patient representatives.
Convenor - Raj Amarnani
Pregnancy and rheumatic diseases SIG
The Pregnancy and Rheumatic Diseases SIG aims to improve the quality of care and management of rheumatic disease pre-conception, through pregnancy and postnatally by providing educational updates for rheumatologists, trainees and health professionals on the interplay between rheumatic diseases and pregnancy, sharing current research and best practice.
Convenors: Maria Mouyis, Beth Goulden, Prof Giles
Quality improvement SIG
The quality improvement SIG aims to support all members of the paediatric and adult rheumatology MDT to gain confidence and expertise in using QI methodology, with the ultimate aim of improving patient care and clinician experience. We provide a number of educational opportunities including formal QI methodology courses and more informal QI drop-in clinics, where anyone working in rheumatology is welcome to join us to discuss QI projects and learn from others.
We have produced a number of resources available on the BSR website and e-learning platform, ranging from an update on QI tools to exemplar projects from across the MDT.
We aim to expand our growing network of QI experts and enthusiasts and to provide new approaches to the challenges faced in clinical practice. We try to embed QI methodology aligned, where possible, to local trust priorities and national projects. Please get in touch with any of the convenors if you would like to hear more and be added to our mailing list.
Convenors: Charlotte Sharp, Roz Benson, Elizabeth MacPhie, Jo Ledingham, Flora McErlane, Gavin Cleary
Rheumatoid arthritis SIG
The core members of this group are all involved in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) longitudinal cohorts and/or have major research interests in qualifying, quantifying and predicting different outcomes in RA. This covers clinical, functional, radiological, laboratory, comorbid and morbid, therapeutic, genetic, psychosocial and socio-economic aspects.
Group discussions centre around the current status of these cohorts and how these can be harnessed in deliberations with funding bodies, BSR clinical affairs team and NICE; relevant and current findings in outcome research; the need for future clinical studies.
The group holds a two-hour session yearly with invited speakers and encourage participation from rheumatologists, scientists and health professionals. Meetings are targeted at rheumatologists, scientists, health professionals and patient support groups.
Convenor: Elena Nikiphorou
Rheumatology in low and middle income countries SIG
This SIG promotes and supports research, training and service provision in low-and-middle-income countries. The objectives of the group are to promote rheumatology in low-and-middle-income countries, review advances in research related to rheumatology in low and middle-income countries and develop new projects through collaboration, exchange information and ideas regarding projects focused on training and service provision and provide opportunities for collaboration in this and to set up an online database for collaborative projects.
Convenors: Professor Robert Moots, Dr Mwidimi Ndosi, Dr Zoe Rutter-Locher and Dr Fred Otieno
Scleroderma SIG
The Scleroderma SIG aims to provide updates on recent clinical trials and increase understanding of current assessment of scleroderma vascular disease. The group aims to continue to foster close links with other relevant groups such as Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK (SRUK) and UK Scleroderma Study Group (UKSSG), provide guidance about investigation and treatment of systemic sclerosis, highlight key challenges and opportunities in trial design and disease assessment and consider barriers that must be overcome to support successful clinical trial programmes for cutaneous vascular manifestations of systemic sclerosis.
Meetings are targeted at people who have a clinical and research interest in scleroderma.
Convenor: Prof Chris Denton
Sjögren's syndrome SIG
The Sjögren's SIG aims to educate clinicians on the presentation & diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome; its oral, ocular and systemic manifestations and optimal clinical management. The SIG updates clinicians on advances in diagnosis and treatment and promote and coordinate collaborative research into Sjögren's syndrome. Meetings are targeted at trainees and consultant rheumatologists, allied health professionals and rheumatology specialist nurses.
Convenor: Dr Elizabeth Price
Specialised commissioning in rheumatology SIG
This SIG aims to provide expert clinical advice and leadership to develop national commissioning polices and products, including facilitating implementation of NHS England’s specialised commissioning proposals, updating clinicians regarding NHS England’s specialised services including rheumatology, and sharing good practice.
Meetings are targeted at consultants, clinical nurse specialists and health professionals who provide a specialised rheumatology service.
Convenors: Dr Frances Hall
Spondyloarthritis SIG
The Spondyloarthritis (SpA) SIG covers issues relating to the group of conditions, including Axial Spondyloarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA). This SIG aims to keep the community up to date with a broad range of topics including early detection, assessment and new therapies.
The principal aims of the group are to update SIG members on upcoming initiatives, educational events and research; work in collaboration with partner organisations; increase awareness and participation in BSR activities including registries and audit, and contributing to research, guidelines and nationally relevant issues such as NICE guidelines.
Meetings are multidisciplinary and it welcomes input from all health professionals as well as patient groups. The group meets once a year at the BSR Annual Conference and also aims to keep all members updated via email during the rest of the year.
Convenors: Dr Ben Thompson and Dr Bruce Kirkman
Sustainability SIG
The Sustainability SIG aims to create a new momentum around sustainability in rheumatology and provide an opportunity for members to explore and understand the close links between the climate crisis and health. The NHS has committed to reach net zero carbon emissions; this SIG will help place rheumatology at the forefront of this by acting as a focal point to explore and define what this means in practice, and set out the pathway towards a model of high quality and low carbon rheumatology care.
The group will equip members with knowledge on net zero healthcare and how to work towards it, and aims to build a multidisciplinary network to share learning and facilitate collaboration between those interested in driving sustainable quality improvement within the speciality.
Convenors: Kieran Sandhu and Kalveer Flora
Telemedicine and remote monitoring SIG
The telemedicine and remote monitoring SIG provides a mechanism to share and disseminate best practice and experiences, as well as identifying important clinical and research priorities for this rapidly developing field. The group aims to provide a forum to facilitate the meeting of individuals with a special interest in telemedicine and remote monitoring in rheumatology.
The core objectives are to gather and share best practice and advances in telemedicine and relevant digital technologies in clinical practice and research (including issues and process of remote consent), to enhance rheumatology patient care, and develop educational materials and training sessions for the effective implementation of telemedicine and digital technologies into rheumatological healthcare settings.
The group works to identify barriers to patient and clinician uptake and identify methods to minimise barriers to uptake (including identifying strategies to avoid digital exclusion) and involve patients and patient representatives to ensure that the SIG agenda and priority setting remains aligned with both patients and healthcare professionals’ requirements.
Convenors: Alexander Oldroyd, James Bateman, Philip Hamann
Ultrasound SIG
The Ultrasound SIG was formed with the aim of being a forum for supporting all BSR members interested in using ultrasound in their clinical practice. A large part of its activities support the development and delivery of ultrasound education particularly through the annual BSR ultrasound courses, BSR conferences and via its e-learning resources on the BSR website. One product from the group has been to publish recommendations for those using rheumatology ultrasound in training and practice. We also provide support to members wanting to set up and run an ultrasound service, to those requiring advice on clinical governance and to those undertaking research. The group meets annually at the BSR Annual Conference but there is also much informal contact made through the year, with the sharing of ideas. The group is composed of members from different clinical backgrounds and with a wide range of knowledge and experience. We are always welcome to new members and ideas.
Convenors: Dr Richard Wakefield
Vasculitis and PMR SIG
The Vasculitis and PMR SIG is a supportive and inclusive cross-speciality community that promotes good clinical practice, research and service design for clinicians, researchers, trainees, and students to improve outcomes for patients with primary systemic vasculitis and polymyalgia rheumatica.
The group aims to encourage and inspire interest in these conditions, present and discuss research in the field, promote collaborative networking opportunities for centres, and liaise with relevant groups and organisations. Email for more information.
Work and health SIG
This SIG aims to provide an opportunity for all those interested in health and work research, clinical practice and for dissemination of best practice in this field. The main aims of the SIG are to provide a forum for communication, information sharing and collaboration, continue to develop a body of literature about musculoskeletal interventions that enhance work participation and increase awareness of the importance of work as a health outcome.