
Members of our Board of Trustees, who are also our company directors, make up the governing body of British Society for Rheumatology

The board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of our work, with its trustees having the responsibility of meeting our legal and financial duties as a registered charity.

Main duties of our trustees:
  • Ensure we're carrying out our purposes for the public benefit
  • Comply with our governing document and the law
  • Act in our best interests
  • Ensure we're accountable
  • Manage our resources responsibly
  • Act with reasonable care and skill
Photo of Jo Ledingham
Jo Ledingham, President Consultant rheumatologist
Photo of Will Gregory
Will Gregory, Vice President Consultant Physiotherapist & Clinical Governance Lead
Photo of Caroline Chivers
Caroline Chivers, Treasurer and Lay Trustee
Photo of Jacqui Clinch
Jacqui Clinch, Member Trustee Consultant paediatric and adolescent rheumatologist
Photo of Marina Bond
Marina Bond, Lay Trustee Non-medical
Photo of Clifford Hurst
Clifford Hurst, Lay Trustee Non-medical
Photo of Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy, Member Trustee Consultant Rheumatologist
Photo of Sophia Steer
Sophia Steer, Member Trustee Consultant Rheumatologist
Photo of Anastasia Madenidou
Anastasia Madenidou, Chair of the Trainee’s Committee Rheumatology ST6/Clinical Research Fellow
Photo of Sarah Ryan
Sarah Ryan , Member Trustee Professor Rheumatology Nursing/Nurse Consultant Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust