
A one-day education course for physiotherapists and other allied health professionals, featuring key themes professionals need to know when working in rheumatology.
9 July 2024
6 hours
This course offers need-to-know education for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, first contact practitioners, podiatrists and other allied health professionals. The day will provide the update on the essentials needed to deliver top-quality care, but that aren't always covered in day-to-day practice.

Learning objectives:
  • To have up-to-date, evidence-based information on hot topics in rheumatology including long Covid and bone health management, understanding service provision and diet and nutrition in rheumatic diseases.
  • To gain knowledge that can improve your clinical practice and learn more about your professional development

This course also offers an opportunity to learn from your peers and showcases the role and value of your professional group to the rest of the MDT.

Rheumatology practice for allied health professionals

9 July - Please note we can only accept payment by card for our bookings

Book now


Level 1: consultant, allied specialty consultant and pharma representative


Level 2: rheumatology specialty trainee, foundation trainee, GP and specialty doctor


Level 3: allied health professional, clinical academic, nurse, non-clinical scientist, psychologists, physician associates, pharmacists, retired and other


Level 1: consultant, allied specialty consultant and pharma representative


Level 2: rheumatology specialty trainee, foundation trainee, GP and specialty doctor


Level 3: allied health professional, clinical academic, nurse, non-clinical scientist, psychologists, physician associates, pharmacists, retired and other


2024 programme


09:00 - 13:15




09:00 - 09:05

Welcome and overview of the day

09:05 - 09:40

Pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis and its relevance to the rheumatology

Rhys Hayward

09:40 - 10:40

Bloods for the AHPs in rheumatology

Will Gregory

10:40 - 10:45

What do the BSR Registers offer AHPs?

Kath Watson

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:45

Pharmacology Insights for AHPs

Hilary McKee

11:45 - 12:30

Core imaging

Ai Lyn Tan

12:30 - 13:15



13:15 - 17:00




13:15 - 13:50

Bone health

Terence O’Neill

13:50 - 14:25

Long Covid symptoms and management

Rebecca Livingston

14:25 - 15:00

Diet and nutrition in rheumatic diseases

Elena Nikiphorou

15:00 - 15:30


15:30 - 16:15

Case discussion session

Maureen Motion, Gemma O’Callaghan, Lesley Kay

16:15 - 17:00

Keynote lecture: Foot health in inflammatory arthritis (IA) and guideline updates

Lara Chapman and Michael Backhouse


Summary and closing remarks


Allied health professionals, nurses and pharmacists can apply for an education bursary for this course; you could access up to £200 towards the cost of the registration fee. Applications are now open.

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