
The North East and Yorkshire region is highly focused on peer review, postgraduate meetings, multidisciplinary networking opportunities and regional meetings.

Clinician representative/RCP regional specialty advisor: vacant
AHP/nurse/pharmacist/psychologist or physician associate representative: vacant
Paediatric and adolescent representative: Flora McErlane
Trainee representative: Jessica Weightman

Geographical area covered: North and north-east Lincolnshire, Northumberland, north Cumbria, Teesside and Yorkshire

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Where rheumatology services are delivered

Freeman Hospital Newcastle, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead, University Hospital of North Durham, Sunderland Royal Hospital, North Cumbria University Hospitals, Darlington Memorial Hospital, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and South Tees NHS Foundation Trust.

In Yorkshire, rheumatology services are provided through secondary care centres in Leeds, Bradford, Harrogate, York, Mid Yorkshire (Wakefield, Pontefract and Dewsbury), Hull, Grimsby, Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, and Doncaster. There are no independent providers of rheumatology services at present.

Where specialist training takes place
Freeman Hospital Newcastle, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead, Sunderland Royal Hospital, University Hospital of North Durham and South Tees NHS Foundation Trust.

In Yorkshire, there are three medical schools in the region: Leeds, Sheffield and Hull/York. There are two training programmes for rheumatology under the supervision of HHE Yorkshire and Humber. The West/East programme has a total of 16 training posts and the South programme five posts. There are also some academic rheumatology trainees (ACF and CL posts) in Leeds. The majority of trainees are training in GIM/rheumatology.

Regional activities
  • The North East region holds eight educational meetings a year; these take place on Tuesday afternoons and are linked with SpR training meetings in the morning. Twice a year meetings are held for business matters and for specialised commissioning
  • Strong record of peer review and most units are now approaching their fourth peer review visit. The region has recently received excellent feedback for the registrar training scheme
  • The Northern and Yorkshire Rheumatology meeting is a red-letter day in the calendar. It is a joint meeting between rheumatologists, scientists, researchers and allied health professionals from the North-East and Yorkshire regions
  • In Yorkshire there are two regional programmes. The South Yorkshire area has regular postgraduate meetings on a Thursday afternoon and the remainder of the region meet on Wednesday afternoons for WAAM meetings, generally at Chapel Allerton Hospital Leeds. Every two months, a regional round is hosted by individual hospitals, focusing on interesting or challenging cases