21 May 2021

Specialist nurses play a vital role in managing and supporting patients with early inflammatory arthritis (EIA). Our National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (NEIAA) data shows that their involvement ensures e patients get appropriate treatment quicker, which is a key indicator of quality for NICE. We encourage all specialist nurses to take part. Here's more:

Reducing time to starting DMARDs (QS3)

Specialist nurses and allied health professionals are actively involved in starting DMARDs for newly diagnosed early inflammatory arthritis (EIA) patients, and are also instrumental in quality improvement (QI) work aimed at more reliably achieving QS3. The audit team has developed driver diagrams and clinic prompts for QS3: you may find these helpful when considering what changes may be required in your unit.

Access driver diagrams

Access clinic prompts

Improving education provision (QS4)

Some patients don't register information provided as 'education'. Consider if this affects your department, and what mechanisms could be put in place to clearly signpost education to patients.

Increase the proportion of patients offered annual reviews (QS7)

Just under half of patients are receiving their annual reviews. Feedback from patients highlights how important this nurse-led care is to them.

The NEIAA team is working on a driver diagram to support QI work on this aspect of EIA care, and is keen to hear about any systems you have in place, whether they're working well or you're still experiencing obstacles.

Email the audit team

Read the second annual report